PCON Member Reggie Ford ’21
1) You grew up in Nashville and know many of the community organizations well. How did you first hear about the Phoenix Club and what do you most want to get from this community?
I first heard about PCON from a colleague at work who had joined the organization back in 2016. I met with many folks over the years and finally decided in 2021 that it was time for me to join. By joining PCON, first and foremost, I wanted to make a greater impact in my community. Knowing firsthand the impact that philanthropy has had on my life, I’ve always possessed a desire to give back. PCON allows me to do that to a greater degree than on my own alongside a group of men with shared desires and interests.
2) You became an author in the summer of 2021 after publishing Perseverance Through Severe Dysfunction (PTSD). How long had you been working on this book? How has it increased your profile and outreach in both Nashville and throughout the country?
It took me about a year and a half to put the final period on my manuscript. I had enough foresight in years past to save journals and short stories that eventually made it into the book which may have expedited the process a bit. As far as how it’s helped increase my profile, PTSD has opened doors to share my story far and wide to corporations, for-profit and non-profit boards, schools, and so many individuals who either resonate with or want to learn from my story. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and be interviewed by some amazing people who have and continue to inspire me.
3) How have you incorporated your book and your learnings from it into your wealth advisory firm at RoseCrete?
Part of my book discusses the wealth inequalities faced in our world. RoseCrete aims to help even out close the gap by equipping clients from diverse backgrounds with wealth building mindsets and strategies that aren’t necessarily available to all. I think the mindset shift and psychology around finance are so important because for many, despite the status of their current financial situation, can be controlled by the traumas or scarcity of the their past leading to poor financial decisions.
4) What one word would you use to describe yourself?
5) What is something you believed at 18 that you wish you still believed now?
I want to believe that the thoughts I have now are much better than the thoughts I had at 18. I’ll sub in 8 for 18 and say that I wish I still thought that everyone was altruistic. As blissfully ignorant as that thought was, I believed that everyone wanted to see everyone succeed and now I know that is just not the case.
6) In your opinion, how has PCON’s venture philanthropy model advanced both fundraising and corporate development?
I think the model has helped in building strong communities among philanthropist, community organizations, and corporations. When all parties are heavily involved in making an investment in the community, it helps create a better world. Whereas you may not the return on investment directly like in venture capital, the social benefits of venture philanthropy are enormous and through research, we know the financial benefits exist as well. It’s a win all around.